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Brief naar COP27 Delegaties

Nieuws, Internationaal 7 november 2022 om 12:26 Adra Nederland

Brief naar COP27 Delegaties


In Egypt vindt vanaf 6 november t/m 18 november de 27ste Conference of Parties (COP27) van de Verenigde Natie plaats over klimaatverandering.

Frans Timmermans, uitvoerend vicevoorzitter van de Europese Commissie, is een van de delegaties die een brief van ADRA heeft ontvangen. 

In de brief roepen we de beleidsmakers en invloedrijke personen op om de nodige beslissingen te nemen in de komende VN-klimaatconferentie. De geïndustrialiseerde landen moeten, als historische daders van de klimaatcrisis, eindelijk hun beloften nakomen.

De COP26 heeft een koers uitgezet, maar er zijn meer stappen nodig. Met de volgende klimaatconferentie moeten we deze kans grijpen om samen te komen en de klimaatcrisis vooruit te helpen. Elke stap die we nu zetten, is een verzekering voor de toekomst.

Hieronder kun je een gedeelte van de brief (Engels) lezen die naar de delegaties is gestuurd.

Within the ADRA network, we aim to bring together different competencies and
strengths in our advocacy working group of European offices. We aim to do our deed; offices in our network have started to move towards net zero, signed the Climate charter, shared our knowledge at the COP26 and COP27, and published the comprehensive Carbon Reduction Guide in 2021. Our projects range from youth empowerment, to livelihoods and disaster risk management. As civil society organization in service to human kind, we want to act on ground, but we also see the bigger system around the catastrophes that hit the poorest, least resilient communities the worst. We want to add our voices to the demands and bring attention to the steps needed to be taken in order to ensure our planet and humanity can recover into a safer, less climate-volatile future.

We call on you as policy makers and influential personalities to take necessary decisions in the upcoming UN Climate Conference.

The industrialized countries, as the historical perpetrators of the climate crisis, must finally step up to promises made. The COP26 has set some course but more steps are needed. With the next climate conference, we should seize this chance of coming together and driving forward combatting the climate crisis. Every step we take now is an insurance for the future. We have formulated three demands.

1. Stronger consideration of civil society actors

We advocate for the civil society actors active on the ground and fighting for the lives and livelihoods of the most targeted by climate crisis be given considerably more space at the table. In this, particularly disadvantaged and underrepresented actors should be more actively involved in the implementation of climate protection and adaptation measures, especially if they are directly affected by the measures. Woman and other marginalized groups are particularly affected as climate change exacerbates existing vulnerabilities and inequalities. Female- led and inclusive movements should be given special consideration in funding and in decision-making. Governments all over the world should continuously allow peaceful protests, and to refrain from arbitrary arrests or other reprisals against people exercising their human rights - even beyond the end of the negotiations. We hope that decision-making level will continue to actively seek out the collaboration and council of civil society actors. We as ADRA network offer our expertise in future discussions. In our projects, we prioritize people as experts of their own lives. We need to work together and listen to each other to make the contributions that will bring us forward. We call to strengthen current transformative education to combat climate change at all levels and to make sufficient resources available for this purpose.

2. More focus on Loss and Damage

The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows: The climate crisis is claiming human lives, destroying the environment, causing economic costs, exacerbating conflicts and endangering human rights. We highly welcome that the Egyptian government has announced that Loss and Damage will be in greater focus this COP. The commitment of international civil society towards this topic stays strong. The Glasgow Dialogue on Loss and Damage is a first step and at the same time a minimum consensus of COP26. International financing falls far short of the developing countries' demand for a concrete financing mechanism and of what is needed. Without clear milestones, the dialogue cannot lead to concrete results. People who are hit hardest by slow and sudden onsets should receive quick and sustainable relief in order to rebuild their homes and lives better. Those local communities and actors should be in lead when it comes to designing and implementing loss and damage programs as it is the basis for any Climate Change action. Adaptation is important - but the first step is immediate support.

3. Meeting the pledge on global adaptation financing

The global adaptation target is intended to adaptation and resilience of all countries in the interest of sustainable development and reducing vulnerabilities. In order to achieve the goal, countries must develop ambitious National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and long-term strategies. The countries of the Global South should be supported in the implementation of their adaptation measures. We call on all industrialized countries' to increase their climate financing contribution in order to fulfill the pledge at COP26 to adaptation funding by 2025 and to transparently outline the steps it will take to achieve this goal at COP27. We also call on working towards integrated and coherent programs (water and food security, biodiversity protection, gender equity, etc.) in particular in European financing of adaptation measures in developing countries and with
multilateral donor organizations.

We hope that these points will find strong consideration in the upcoming policy talks.

We wish you a successful and fruitful COP27.

signed by ADRA European Regional Office
